Importance of "self confidence"

You may believe in million of gods but if you do not believe in yourself, you shall be doomed to fail and success in any sphere will elude you for ever.
- Swami Vivekananda 

Self confidence is one's biggest strength, without self confidence one cannot achieve success.

Lack of self confidence is a psychosomatic disorder.
It may generate continuous stress which may become deep rooted.
One will be lucky if he is blessed with self-belief.
So, to achieve success it is necessary to generate self confidence in your mind.



  1. But for good confident we must have the capability to do hard work other wise that's over confident which have capability to ruin our life

    1. Well, I agree with what you want to say, but this blog is only about the problem of (lack of self confidence), not the over confidence.But, one should have confidence on his/her abilities ,otherwise he/she will remain unsatisfied in his life after giving best efforts.
      Whereas self confidence gives motivation to the person on every step whenever he/she face obstacles in his path to his/her destiny(success).

      Thanks for sharing your views.


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